Oct. 15, 2019

October 15, 2019 – Your ABCs of PFL are here! Paid Family Leave may seem complicated, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! If you’re struggling to understand the practical implications and applications of PFL, you’ll find answers and explanations in our ABCs of PFL. This simplified guide can help...
Oct. 30, 2018

Because Paid Family Leave (PFL) is new to New York State, many employers still wonder who actually pays for PFL and how. We’ve heard questions from employers like, “Wait, why am I being charged for PFL insurance? I’ve set up payroll deductions for that” or, “How do I pay for PFL?” So, how do you handle PFL premium payments and withholdings? The difference between …
Aug. 21, 2018

Certainly no one wants a close family member to have to cope with a serious medical condition – but, if it does happen, you have enough to worry about — your job shouldn’t be one of those things. Having to choose between paycheck and providing care for a seriously ill family member can be a difficult situation. Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides part of...
Jul. 24, 2018

It seems obvious that New York’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides benefits for New York employees. But what exactly does that mean? Employees who work in NY or live in NY? And does it matter where the employer is located? Find answers in our latest Top 3 Must See...
Jun. 26, 2018

Since New York Paid Family Leave (PFL) was added to New York’s statutory Disability (DBL) policy as a rider, there are a lot of questions about how they relate, compare, and interact. While there is some overlap between the two, they are...