Mar. 12, 2019

We caught up with Sheeja, our Bonding Photo Contest winner from last summer. She has an interesting Paid Family Leave story to tell about bonding with her new daughter Serena. Her’s Sheeja’s story of how PFL made a difference in her life...
Feb. 12, 2019
Returning to Work

When you’ve been out for 14 weeks to recover from giving birth and to bond with a new baby, returning to work can feel a bit like “culture shock.” In this installment of Stephanie’s journey through PFL, she returns to work after being out for 14 weeks....
Jan. 24, 2019
The HR Perspective

When an employee takes PFL leave, human resources departments play a significant role in ensuring that the employee's absence goes smoothly. In this installment of Stephanie’s journey, we reached out to ShelterPoint's own HR professional for her perspective on Stephanie’s leave...
Dec. 18, 2018
The Manager Perspective

We’ve been following Stephanie, a ShelterPoint employee who took Paid Family Leave (PFL) to bond with her newborn daughter, and have checked in with her throughout her journey to see how she prepared. For this installment, we stepped away from Stephanie for a bit, and instead chatted with her manager, Katrin, to hear how she prepared to keep her team up and running while Stephanie was out on leave...
Nov. 19, 2018

As we were looking through the photos and reading the captions from our Bonding Photo contest, what really stood out to us was just how thankful so many employees were to have this benefit available to them. In this article, see how we are celebrating that thankfulness in the spirit of Thanksgiving this week...